Tuesday, January 18, 2011



Personality is a concept that we use continuously in our day-to-day routine when dealing with people. We talk about people as having a good personality or a bad personality or arrogant and aggressive personality. 

 According to -
Salvatore Maddi “personality is a stable set of characteristics and tendencies that determine those commonalties and differences in the psychological behavior (thought, feeling and actions) of people that have continuity in time and that may not be easily understood as the sole result of the social and biological pressures of the moment.”

S.P.ROBBINS  “personality is the sum total of way in which an individual reacts and interacts with others”

KREITNER “personality is defined as the combination of stable physical and mental characteristics that given the individual his or her identity”

ATKINSON “personality refers to the characteristic patterns of behavior and way of thinking that determine a person’s adjustments to his environment”

LUTHANS “personality means how people affect others and how they understand and view themselves”

Above definition summarized following features
  • Identifies stable,physical and mental characteristics.
  • Values and interest
  • Individual identity
  •  Identify whole interaction

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